Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science

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Microphone in the foreground. Blurred background. Software for recording and editing sounds. Post production.

Janet Parshall Interviews Stephen Meyer about Return of the God Hypothesis

New York Times bestselling author of Darwin’s Doubt and Intelligent Design Stephen C. Meyer presents groundbreaking scientific evidence of the existence of God, based on breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and biology. Listen as he provides a reasoned and evidence-based answer to the ultimate mystery of the universe, drawn from recent scientific discoveries in physics, cosmology, and biology. Discover how he uses three scientific points to refute popular arguments put forward by the “New Atheists” against the existence of God.

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Three Major Scientific Discoveries In The Past Century That Point To God

Three major scientific discoveries during the last century contradict the expectations of scientific atheists (or materialists) and point instead in a distinctly theistic direction. Read More ›

Meyer, Keating: Why Was the Object of Creation So Long in Coming? And Other Good Questions

To welcome Stephen Meyer’s new book, Return of the God Hypothesis, into the world, distinguished U.C. San Diego physicist Brian Keating welcomed Steve onto his podcast. It’s both a very profound and a very entertaining conversation. Read More ›
Ghost Nebula
Photo: Ghost Nebula, by NASA, ESA, and STScI/Acknowledgment: H. Arab (University of Strasbourg).

Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder Challenges the Evidence for Cosmological Fine-Tuning

Hossenfelder’s strongest argument is that many fine-tuning parameters cannot in fact be quantified. Read More ›
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The historic monuments of Washington
Photo by giumas on Adobe Stock

Thomas Jefferson’s Embrace of Intelligent Design

Jefferson thought that there was scientific evidence for design in nature. In 1823, he insisted so in a letter to John Adams. Read More ›