Spanning three decades, Steve Meyer has spoken at hundreds of universities, classrooms, churches, and public fora. Stay tuned for upcoming lectures, debates, and online webinars. Or, browse past events and view videos of recorded events. To request that Stephen Meyer speak at your event, submit a speaker request.
Historically, the Summer Seminar program organized by the Center for Science & Culture has included two seminars offered concurrently: the Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences, designed for students and professionals in the natural sciences and the history and philosophy of science, and the C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society, designed primarily for students and professionals in the humanities, social sciences, law, and theology. In the past, we have held these programs in person and participants have joined us from all over the world. Due to the volatility and uncertainty of international travel, however, we have decided to reserve the above seminars for U.S. participants and instead offer a third program combining both tracks described …
The C.S. Lewis Fellows Program on Science and Society will explore the growing impact of science on politics, economics, social policy, bioethics, theology, and the arts during the past century. The program is named after celebrated British writer C.S. Lewis, a perceptive critic of both scientism and technocracy in books such as The Abolition of Man and That Hideous Strength. Topics to be addressed include the history of science, the relationship between faith and science, the rise of scientific materialism, the debate over Darwinian theory and intelligent design, evolutionary conceptions of ethics, science and economics, science and criminal justice, stem cell research and abortion, eugenics, family life and sexuality, ecology and animal rights, climate …
The CSC Seminar on Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences will prepare participants to make research contributions advancing the growing science of intelligent design (ID). The seminar will explore cutting-edge ID work in fields such as molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, developmental biology, paleontology, computational biology, ID-theoretic mathematics, cosmology, physics, and the history and philosophy of science. The seminar will include presentations on the application of intelligent design to laboratory research as well as frank treatment of the academic realities that ID researchers confront in graduate school and beyond, and strategies for dealing with them. Although the primary focus of the seminar is science, there also will be discussion on worldview …
Great Northern University at Fourth Memorial Church
Spokane, WA
Intelligent Design
Discovery Institute is pleased to announce that our annual Intelligent Design Education Day is returning to Spokane, Washington with thanks to our hosts at Great Northern University. This year’s theme — Creepy Crawly Complexity — will explore the incredible world of “creepy crawlies.”
Join us for a special event commemorating the life and enduring impact of Jonathan Wells, a pioneering scholar in the field of intelligent design. Up until his recent passing in September, Dr. Wells made significant contributions to science and culture through his groundbreaking research, provocative writings, and deep commitment to intellectual inquiry.
Casey Luskin, Associate Director of the Center for Science & Culture, will present a lecture on “Intelligent Design, Science, and the Beginning of All Things: What is Intelligent Design and Why Does it Matter?” on October 9 in Atlanta, GA. The presentation starts at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall at Westminster Presbyterian Church. There will be an opportunity for Q&A after the lecture. Before the event, guests are also invited to join the church dinner at 5:30 pm for $5.00/person. A scientist and attorney, Dr. Luskin has lectured widely on ID at university campuses and conferences on four continents, and has coauthored or contributed to multiple books including Science and Human Origins, Discovering Intelligent Design, and Traipsing Into Evolution: …
For the fifth year in a row, the Brazilian Society of Intelligent Design (TDI Brasil, in Portuguese) will host an international conference to explore the latest research on the origin, design, and evolution of life. Speakers will include Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellows William Dembski and Marcos Eberlin and more than a dozen others representing archaeology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics. The in-person event will take place June 28-30, 2024 at Mackenzie University in São Paulo — the beautiful capital of Brazil. Consider joining this world-class conference to learn more about intelligent design, network with other students and scientists, and participate in these important discussions. Follow the link provided to see a full lineup of speakers and …
Great Northern University at Fourth Memorial Church
Spokane, WA
Intelligent Design
Discovery Institute is pleased to announce that the annual Intelligent Design Education Day is returning to Spokane, Washington with thanks to our hosts at Great Northern University. This year’s theme — “How to Code Life” — will explore the incredible coding and decoding technology that lies at the heart of every living thing. How do these biological codes compare to computer code authored by humans? What is the implication of finding unique code in each type of organism? How can our study of life’s codes enhance scientific research, medical treatments, and more? Join us on Wednesday, March 20, to find out. This in-person event is open to all ages but designed especially for middle school and high …
On Thursday, January 25, join mathematician William Dembski and computer scientist Winston Ewert as they discuss the significance of their new book and answer your questions. Twenty-five years ago, Dembski unveiled a rigorous scientific method for detecting intelligent design in The Design Inference. Originally published by Cambridge University Press, Dembski’s landmark monograph sparked vigorous debate among scientists, scholars, and the public. In a dramatically expanded new edition, Dembski and co-author Winston Ewert now show how Dembski’s method of design detection has stood the test of time, and they demonstrate its applicability to biology, cosmology, and daily life. This webinar will take place on Zoom and does require registration. If interested, please make sure to …
Join longtime Center for Science and Culture Fellow and legendary scientist Forrest Mims as he discusses his new book Maverick Scientist on Tuesday, November 28 at 4 pm PT on Make: Magazine’s Facebook page. There is no need for pre-registration, just go to the Facebook page at the time of the webinar to watch the livestream. Named one of the “50 Best Brains in Science” by Discover magazine, Forrest will share stories about how someone with no formal academic training in science forged a distinguished scientific career that includes work with NASA and the NOAA’s Mauna Loa Observatory. Although the analog computer he built in high school sits in the Smithsonian, Forrest will share other artifacts from his life, including: The 1966 electronic “seeing aid” …