Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science

Stephen C. Meyer


A Goldilocks Universe – The Surprising Science Pointing to God

New Atheism proclaimed that science had buried God. However, as new evidence about the surprising origins of the universe and its fine-tuning for life has emerged, perhaps God was waiting for us all along. Justin speaks to scientists and thinkers including Jennifer Wiseman, John Lennox and Stephen Meyer. Peter Byrom also examines whether Richard Dawkins’ best-known objection to a ‘complex’ God really holds water. 


Stephen Meyer Interview with Piers Morgan on Science and God

“One of the most controversial philosophical minds on the planet.” That’s how Piers Morgan introduces Stephen Meyer on a brand-new interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored. This obviously brings Dr. Meyer to a whole new audience — Morgan has 2.57 million subscribers on YouTube — following his recent appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience.  It’s an amazing half hour, highlighting the scientific evidence for a deity recognizable from the Judeo-Christian tradition. The background here, referenced by Morgan, includes Tucker Carlson’s recent comments on evolution, also on the Rogan show. But of deeper and more personal significance, Meyer discusses the recent loss of his mother to dementia: “You’re never really prepared for the death of a parent and I thought I was, but I Read More ›


Joe Rogan and Stephen Meyer Talk Science and Faith in New Interview

For more than three hours, Rogan asked questions about the scientific argument for the reality of God, as well as Meyer's reasons for believing the Bible. Read More ›
the internal universe. man's shadow inside the cosmos. the idea on academic and philosophical subjects. This image's components were provided by NASA. Generative AI

The Uniqueness of the Human Mind: Stephen Meyer and Janet Parshall

Stephen Meyer on the uniqueness of human life and the human mind. Read More ›
James Webb telescope in outer space on orbit of Earth at night. Planet surface and satellite. Elemets of thisd iamge furnished by NASA

Here’s Why James Webb Telescope Discoveries Are Causing Scientists To Rethink Galaxy Formation (But Not The Big Bang)

Theories about the origin of the universe inevitably raise profound questions. So when science writer and independent physics researcher Eric Lerner reported that NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) had collected images disproving the widely-accepted Big Bang theory, the ensuing media excitement was perhaps understandable. Writing in a journal published by the British Institute of Art and Ideas, Lerner reported that NASA’s new telescope detected galaxies that are older and more numerous than astronomers expected. He then argued that this discovery supported his decades-old claim that “the Big Bang never happened” and also that astronomers are “panicking” about this. Though many media outlets picked up the story, astronomers aren’t actually worried and for good reason. The Big Bang affirms Read More ›


Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Mind of God Behind the Universe

Throughout history, many prominent scientists have believed in God. Far from seeing their faith in God as incompatible with scientific investigation, most have found the two things complementary. Seventeenth-century German astronomer Johannes Kepler, for example, believed that science was only possible because God made the world to be “intelligible” to the human mind. In his view, the same God who designed the world in a rational and orderly way also gave human beings rationality so they could understand the world He made. Thus, Kepler described scientists as having the high calling of “thinking God’s thoughts after Him.” Many early scientists were not only inspired to do science because they believed in God; they also thought that the natural world revealed Read More ›

Cosmic fractal background
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Meyer and Medved Discuss the Madness of the Multiverse

The multiverse is a popular storytelling mechanism in film today. Scientists have been speculating about it for decades. Stephen Meyer evaluates the scientific pedigree of this intriguing theory on the radio with Michael Medved. Read More ›
Multiverse Image

The Madness of the Multiverse and the Strangeness of Atheism

Why has the multiverse become such a popular storytelling technique? And does the hypothesis hold any scientific weight? Stephen Meyer explains. Read More ›
God vs Science

God’s Footprints: Science Makes Faith Plausible, Not Impossible

Andrew Klavan’s reference to the popular Bell Curve Meme calls to my mind a particularly provocative version of that Meme, in which the three figures representing the different levels of insight and intelligence address the relationship between science and belief in God. The dullard on the left-hand tail of the curve says, “don’t listen to science, all the answers come from God.” The representative of conventional wisdom sitting at the top of the curve says, “God isn’t real. You should trust the science.” But then, as in all versions of the meme, a twist occurs. The jedi-savant figure at the extreme right-hand tail of the curve reaffirms the existence of God because of, not in spite of, what science has Read More ›