Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science



Scientific Discoveries Reveal the Mind of God Behind the Universe

Throughout history, many prominent scientists have believed in God. Far from seeing their faith in God as incompatible with scientific investigation, most have found the two things complementary. Seventeenth-century German astronomer Johannes Kepler, for example, believed that science was only possible because God made the world to be “intelligible” to the human mind. In his view, the same God who designed the world in a rational and orderly way also gave human beings rationality so they could understand the world He made. Thus, Kepler described scientists as having the high calling of “thinking God’s thoughts after Him.” Many early scientists were not only inspired to do science because they believed in God; they also thought that the natural world revealed Read More ›

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The historic monuments of Washington
Photo by giumas on Adobe Stock

Thomas Jefferson’s Embrace of Intelligent Design

Jefferson thought that there was scientific evidence for design in nature. In 1823, he insisted so in a letter to John Adams. Read More ›
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Embryonic stem cells , Cellular therapy , Regeneration , Disease treatment
Photo by Giovanni Cancemi on Adobe Stock

Does the New Scientific Evidence About the Origin of Life Put an End to Darwinian Evolution?

The John Ankerberg Show will launch this weekend a multi-part series examining the science behind origin of life theories and featuring Dr. Stephen C. Meyer.  In four television programs beginning Sunday night, Feb. 27th at 9 PM EST on Daystar and Sky Angel at 11 PM EST across the US and over 200 nations worldwide, join Dr. John Ankerberg as he interviews Dr. Meyer. Go here for a full schedule for both cable and local channels.  On this week’s first program: Every person’s body consists of over a trillion cells. Almost every one of these cells includes a DNA molecule. What is DNA? Why is it so special? What does it do? Where did the digital code embedded in DNA originate? Read More ›