The Cambrian Explosion and the Combinatorial Problem
An Extraterrestrial Spin on the RNA World
New Research Supports Meyer’s Discussion of Pre-Biotic Chemistry in Signature in the Cell
Does the New Scientific Evidence About the Origin of Life Put an End to Darwinian Evolution?
The John Ankerberg Show will launch this weekend a multi-part series examining the science behind origin of life theories and featuring Dr. Stephen C. Meyer. In four television programs beginning Sunday night, Feb. 27th at 9 PM EST on Daystar and Sky Angel at 11 PM EST across the US and over 200 nations worldwide, join Dr. John Ankerberg as he interviews Dr. Meyer. Go here for a full schedule for both cable and local channels. On this week’s first program: Every person’s body consists of over a trillion cells. Almost every one of these cells includes a DNA molecule. What is DNA? Why is it so special? What does it do? Where did the digital code embedded in DNA originate? Read More ›
Debate on Origins of Life
Advocates for intelligent design and Darwinian evolution squared off to debate the origins of life, the challenges to Darwin’s theory of evolution and the alternative theory of intelligent design. Debate summary by Robert Crowther.