Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science


Science and research of the universe, spiral galaxy and physical formulas, concept of knowledge and education

East Coast Radio Host Lee Elci Explores the Multiverse, Stephen Hawking with Meyer

Enthusiastic host Lee Elci interviews Stephen Meyer about some of the biggest scientific discoveries in recent history, as well as the implications of these findings. Topics include big bang cosmology, the vastly improbable fine tuning of the universe, and the immense complexity of the cell that was thought to be simple in Darwin’s time. Elci and Meyer also discuss the multiverse and the amazing story of Stephen Hawking. Listen to both segments to hear an information-packed conversation!

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The Power Hour: Stephen Meyer on the Consequences of a Culture that Forgets God

On a recent episode of radio show The Power Hour, Dr. Stephen Meyer talks about his latest book Return of the God Hypothesis with guest host Karen Kataline. Along the way, they discuss the consequences of a culture that adopts a no-god society. Is there a scientific basis for God today? What is the evidence for the activity of mind in nature? What is the relationship between creativity and freedom? What ideas in our culture are downstream from the issue of the existence of God? Listen to this thought-provoking chat revealing why Dr. Meyer’s book Return of the God Hypothesis is so timely and so needed in this current moment in history.


A Conversation with NPR’s Dr. Alan Campbell on Watching America

In this episode of Watching America, Meyer talks about his book, "Return of the God Hypothesis." While intellectuals in the 19th century began insisting that science and religion were in a never-ending war, Meyer details three modern scientific discoveries with decidedly theistic implications. You don't want to miss this thought-provoking conversation. Read More ›
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The God Hypothesis Unplugged with Hank Hanegraaff

Beginning in the late 19th century, many intellectuals began to insist that scientific knowledge conflicts with traditional theistic belief — that science and belief in God are “at war.” In Return of the God Hypothesis, Stephen Meyer argues that theism — with its affirmation of a transcendent, intelligent and active creator — best explains the evidence we have concerning biological and cosmological origins. Previously Meyer refrained from attempting to answer questions about “who” might have designed life. Now he provides an evidence-based answer to perhaps the ultimate mystery of the universe. The results? Meyer reveals a stunning conclusion: the data support not just the existence of an intelligent designer of some kind — but the existence of a personal God. You Read More ›

Milky Way galaxy and starry night sky

Separation of Church and Science: Dr. Stephen Meyer Discusses New Book on Steel on Steel News Radio

Stephen Meyer joins 40-year broadcasting veteran John Loeffler, host of Steel on Steel. In this interview, you can hear about a conference at the Royal Society convened by a group of evolutionary biologists who are openly stating the need for a new theory of evolution. These evolutionary biologists recognize the inadequacy of the current neo-Darwinian model. You can also hear why the multiverse hypothesis, even if true, fails to explain the ultimate origin of fine tuning. Be sure to listen in!

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DNA-Helix - 3D Visualisierung

Scientist: And Yet a Creator is Indispensable

The Dutch newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad interviewed Dr. Stephen Meyer about his new book, Return of the God Hypothesis. The article was written in Dutch by their science editor, Bart van den Dikkenberg. Here we include a few sentences from the introduction as a preview. View the full article in Dutch at the link below. The title of Meyer’s book, The Return of the God Hypothesis, is a nod to a famous, but probably apocryphal, statement by the French mathematician Pierre-Simon de Laplace (1749-1827). When he presented his book Traité de Mécanique Céleste in 1802 to the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, Laplace was asked what the role of God at the origin of the solar system had been. The mathematician replied: Read More ›

Sombrero galaxy in deep space.

Philosopher of Science Stephen Meyer Answers the Tough Questions Darwinists Don’t Even Ask

John Zmirak: First of all, thank you for your trilogy of books laying out the reasons why Intelligent Design is a more rational, and hence more “scientific” hypothesis than others. I was especially impressed with your ability to shift gears from physics to biology, and then to epistemology, engaging top level practitioners of each. Your latest, The Return of the God Hypothesis, is vastly ambitious. I think it rivals Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles in that respect: a comprehensive “answer to the pagans.” How would you sum it up in 50 words for potential readers? Stephen Meyer: Thank you John for your interest and for that extremely generous compliment. Return of the God Hypothesis argues — contrary to “new atheist” writers Read More ›

Galaxy. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

BreakPoint Reviews the Key Discoveries of Stephen Meyer’s newest book Return of the God Hypothesis

In a new commentary from the Colson Center’s BreakPoint, host John Stonestreet reports on the discoveries of the last century that challenge a materialistic worldview and call science back to its theistic roots. Listen to this 5-minute commentary below or read it instead. Dr. Meyer also appeared in a recent episode of the Colson Center’s Upstream podcast with Shane Morris to discuss Return of the God Hypothesis. Listen to that interview here.

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Microphone and mixer at the radio station studio broadcasting news

Stephen Meyer Discusses the Inspiration and Key Takeaways of his new book on Point of View Radio

Dr. Stephen Meyer connects with an old friend, host Kerby Anderson, on an episode of Point of View to discuss his latest book Return of the God Hypothesis. Starting with the events that inspired him to write the book, the pair also discuss where the term “laws of nature” comes from and what it really means, how the 20th century inherited the 19th century’s scientific materialism, and why recent scientific discoveries are bringing the God hypothesis back to the fore.

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Listen to Stephen Meyer Answer Challenges From a Leading Proponent of Theistic Evolution

Vice President of BioLogos Jim Stump hosts Stephen Meyer on an episode of the BioLogos podcast Language of God. Despite foundational differences between the theistic evolution and intelligent design communities, Stump and Meyer have a courteous, in-depth exchange about Meyer’s background, the history of the intelligent design research community, and the arguments of Meyer’s new book Return of the God Hypothesis. Instead of taking the shape of a back-and-forth debate, Stump asks probing questions and simply listens to Meyer make his points and clarify his positions on key topics, including the difference between general and special revelation, how historical science differs from natural or lab science, the meanings of evolution, and why intelligent design is not simply an appeal to Read More ›