Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science


God vs Science

God’s Footprints: Science Makes Faith Plausible, Not Impossible

Andrew Klavan’s reference to the popular Bell Curve Meme calls to my mind a particularly provocative version of that Meme, in which the three figures representing the different levels of insight and intelligence address the relationship between science and belief in God. The dullard on the left-hand tail of the curve says, “don’t listen to science, all the answers come from God.” The representative of conventional wisdom sitting at the top of the curve says, “God isn’t real. You should trust the science.” But then, as in all versions of the meme, a twist occurs. The jedi-savant figure at the extreme right-hand tail of the curve reaffirms the existence of God because of, not in spite of, what science has Read More ›

Milky Way galaxy and starry night sky

Separation of Church and Science: Dr. Stephen Meyer Discusses New Book on Steel on Steel News Radio

Stephen Meyer joins 40-year broadcasting veteran John Loeffler, host of Steel on Steel. In this interview, you can hear about a conference at the Royal Society convened by a group of evolutionary biologists who are openly stating the need for a new theory of evolution. These evolutionary biologists recognize the inadequacy of the current neo-Darwinian model. You can also hear why the multiverse hypothesis, even if true, fails to explain the ultimate origin of fine tuning. Be sure to listen in!