Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science

Stephen C. Meyer

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military RC military drone flies flies against backdrop of beautiful clouds on blue sky background. Elements of this image furnished by NASA
Photo by sommersby on Adobe Stock

Drones Can Protect Us From Kim’s Missiles

President Trump’s announcement that he will meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un caught everyone by surprise. The big question is: Will the meeting reduce the threat of North Korean ballistic missiles? Read More ›

Debate With Michael Ruse on Ben Wattenberg’s Think Tank (PBS)

Ben Wattenberg moderates this matchup with Darwinist Michael Ruse, who was also featured in the movie Expelled.  This debate gets into the philosophical implications of design and Darwinism and the distinctions between the scientific evidence and the implications for both theories.


Defining Theistic Evolution

In the book Theistic Evolution, we provide a comprehensive scientific, philosophical, and theological critique of the idea known as theistic evolution. But before we can do that, we will need to define what the proponents of this perspective mean by “theistic evolution” — or “evolutionary creationism,” as it is sometimes now called. Read More ›
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Lightning thunderstorm flash over the night sky. Concept on topic weather, cataclysms (hurricane, Typhoon, tornado, storm)
Photo by Tryfonov on Adobe Stock

Does Lightning-Fast Evolution Solve the Cambrian Enigma?

The authors of a paper in Current Biology present the problem of the Cambrian explosion — the rapid emergence of new forms of animal life — as it own solution. Read More ›
Geological sample with small shells
Photo by mettus on Adobe Stock

More on Small Shelly Fossils and the Length of the Cambrian Explosion

In my previous replies to Marshall's review in Science of Darwin's Doubt, I've responded to his critiques of the main argument of the book. Read More ›
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Close-up shot of microscope with metal lens at laboratory.

Yes, Intelligent Design Is Detectable by Science

Biologists have long recognized that many organized structures in living organisms — the elegant form and protective covering of the coiled nautilus; the interdependent parts of the vertebrate eye; the interlocking bones, muscles, and feathers of a bird wing — “give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” Read More ›
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Students sit in the classroom and listen to a lecture in science. Plastic molecular educational model. Soft focus background image

A Scopes Trial for the ’90s

A distinguished biology professor, Dean Kenyon, was forbidden to teach his course not because he taught evolutionary theory (which he did) but because he offered a critical assessment of it. Read More ›