Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science

Frank Turek

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Post-Darwinian Science: Frank Turek and Stephen Meyer Discuss the Return of the God Hypothesis

In a two-part series on his syndicated radio show I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, Dr. Frank Turek discusses the history and the science found in Dr. Stephen Meyer’s new book Return of the God Hypothesis. In Part 1 of their lively conversation, they discuss how Judeo-Christian ideas fueled modern science and what happened when scientific materialism eclipsed the God hypothesis in the late 19th century. They also discuss the first of three scientific discoveries Dr. Meyer discusses in his book – the realization by scientists in the 20th century that the universe had a beginning. In Part 2, they discuss the second and third scientific discoveries Dr. Meyer writes about – the fine-tuning of the basic Read More ›