Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science
The Latest

John Ankerberg Show Appearance


In this four-part interview (“The Four Great Discoveries of Modern Science”), Dr. Meyer discusses the evidence for intelligent design from physics, cosmology, and biology.

Discovery One—The Universe Had a Definite Beginning

In this episode, Dr. Meyer discusses how the Big Bang supplies evidence that the universe was brought into being by a cause that stands outside of matter, energy, and time.

Discovery Two—Space and Time Had a Beginning

In this episode, Dr. Meyer explains the cosmological argument for the design of the universe and responds to the “quantum cosmology” objection to the cosmological argument.

Discovery Three—The Universe Has Been Fine-Tuned for Life

In this episode, Dr. Meyer discusses evidence that the universe has been fine-tuned for life and critiques the “multiverse” objection to fine-tuning arguments.

Discovery Four—The Complexity and Design of the Human Cell

In this episode, Dr. Meyer discusses evidence for intelligent design in the complexity and design of the cell.