Stephen C. Meyer Philosopher of Science


samples of dairy products in the laboratory.
samples of dairy products in the laboratory.

Got Science?

Is there any shred of scientific evidence that life was created by design? Dr. Stephen Meyer, author of SIGNATURE IN THE CELL, shows you reasoning techniques and scientific evidence, both. Many scientists say complex life just randomly happened. interviewed Stephen Meyer to find out if there is any shred of scientific evidence that life was created. Watch the short video here.

Earth sunrise from space.jpg
Earth sunrise from space over cloudy ocean. 3d rendering
Photo by aleksandar nakovski on Adobe Stock

Citation Bluffs About Earth’s Early Atmosphere Dominate Misguided Response to Signature in the Cell

Stephen Meyer’s book Signature in the Cell is primarily devoted to assessing attempts by materialists to explain the origin of information in life. Over the course of about four pages, he includes a short discussion of a peripherally related topic, the earth’s early atmosphere and the likelihood of chemical monomers forming on the early earth. He notes that “[i]n the years following Miller’s experiment, however, new geochemical evidence showed that the assumptions Miller had made about the early atmosphere were incorrect” and that a “neutral” atmosphere which is “not friendly[] to the production of amino acids” is more likely” (pp. 224-225). Some critics have claimed that recent research shows that that the Earth’s early atmosphere was in fact reducing, and that Meyer’s Read More ›

Signature in the Cell, A “Wise Defense of Intelligent Design

Now that it’s out in paperback, Stephen Meyer’s book is getting more attention and a wider audience. Today Professor Anthony J. Sadar has a thoughtful review of Signature in the Cell in the Washington Times, where he writes: In “The Blind Watchmaker,” atheist Richard Dawkins proclaimed, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.” Now, with the paperback release of Stephen C. Meyer’s “Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design,” theists can rejoin with, “Meyer made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled theist.” Indeed, in his book, Mr. Meyer begins the chorus by stating that “as a Christian theist, I find this implication of intelligent design ‘intellectually satisfying.’ “ But, to suppose that “Signature in the Cell” Read More ›

Signature in the Cell: The First Year

Over the course of a year, Stephen C. Meyer’s Signature in the Cell has made a powerful impact for intelligent design, reaching a wide audience with its cutting-edge science. From making’s best-seller list for science books in 2009 to being named one of Times Literary Supplement‘s Top Books of the Year, Signature in the Cell is a work that fittingly earned its author WORLD Magazine‘s “Daniel of the Year.” Watch the video below for more.

What are the origins of the information found in DNA?

In this new video, Dr. Stephen Meyer explains the historical scientific method and how it applies to the origin of the information that makes life possible. It’s the question facing origin of life researchers: where does the information come from?

What Accounts for Information in DNA? Watch Part 3 of Stephen Meyer’s Series on the John Ankerberg Show

The DNA Enigma — where did the information in DNA come from? — is the supreme puzzle for Darwinian evolution. With the question affecting the origin of life, the chance hypothesis is completely out of the question, and pre-biotic natural selection begs the question. Watch as Stephen Meyer explains the inference to the best explanation for information in DNA, the origin of life, and our world: intelligent design.

Can DNA Prove the Existence of an Intelligent Designer? An Interview with Stephen Meyer

Biola Magazine this month features an insightful interview with Stephen Meyer about intelligent design and his book Signature in the Cell. In the growing movement known as intelligent design, Stephen Meyer is an emerging figurehead. A young, Cambridge-educated philosopher of science, Meyer is director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute — intelligent design’s primary intellectual and scientific headquarters. He’s also author of Signature in the Cell, a provocative new book that offers the first comprehensive DNA-based argument for intelligent design. On May 14, Meyer gave a lecture at an event hosted by Biola’s Christian apologetics program in Chase Gymnasium, where he made his case that the origin of the information needed to create the first cell Read More ›